Seasonal Eats


Its March and spring will be upon us soon enough. There isnt a huge change from last months best but a few new gems are starting to show up as well as the trusted cabbage family showing off yet another variant. Use these seasonal eating guides to explore new produce and experiment with textures and flavours, the more we learn and adopt a seasonal way of eating the more we do for our planet and local community, not to mention seasonal produce is most often cheaper than imported exotic variants.

  • C A B B A G E :
    • Part of the Brassica family cabbage is one of those vegetables available all year round but in very different varieties. Our latest favourite and one that is particularly good now in March is Pointed or Heart Cabbage. Look for bright green small firm cabbage heads. Enjoy thinly sliced then steamed and tossed with lemon and olive oil or try pickling with vinegar, salt and a dash of cumin.
  • S P R I N G  O N I O N S :
    • We use Spring Onions a lot in sallads, stir fries, vietnamese spring rolls, soups, you name it! They are milder in flavour than large onions and go well both raw and cooked. They dont last quite as long as normal onions so only buy the bunch you need and store in the fridge.
  • P U R P L E  S P R O U T I N G  B R O C C O L I : 
    • Broccoli of all kinds is another staple in our homes, if its in season we are eating it! Purple Sprouting Broccoli is a beautiful variant that can only be found during February-April so if you come across it do give it a go. Our favourite way to enjoy it is steamed, then tossed quickly in a frying pan along with garlic, ginger, chili and sesame oil.

• S T G  T I P 
Stocking up on your favourite goods when in season and freezing for use later in the year is the perfect way to eat economically, for the planet and for the highest level of nutrients! Please note we’ve focused on the Northern Hemisphere as that is where we are based but lot’s of countries offer similar seasonal guides you can find online.

Co-Founder and Editor, STG. With a wealth of experience from working in the communications industry for the past six years, originating from Norway and having lived in both Sydney & Barcelona – Anneli is now based full-time in London. She´s a true fitness and wellness bunny, avid juice cleanser and always up-to-date with the latest health craze